We Have Moved

Welcome to the QA Blog!

We have moved our Quality Assurance blog from the QA website to the new PMO website as part of ITS!

The QA group is now a member of the ITS – Project Management Office (PMO), and is dedicated to providing testing services for all software projects within the (PMO). Among other things, these testing services include test planning, determining test strategies, exploring the user’s needs, and reporting issues effectively.

Everyone has heard of Quality Assurance, but there are many differing opinions on what it really is. And just as many questions; such as…

  • What is Quality Assurance?
  • Why do we need it?
  • Can we really assure the quality of anything?

This blog will attempt to answer these questions, and more, in the months to come. It will also serve as a source of information for testers and users who want to understand the QA process better as it evolves.

Our primary goal is to significantly enhance the functionality, usability, and performance of the software solutions upon release to the user community. 

We are always looking for ways to ensure that any software that we are testing does what it was designed to do and, conversely, does NOT do anything it was NOT designed to do. In that effort, we are here to help… to investigate… to learn things… to report them clearly… to make sure that people understand the significance of what we have found… and finally, to provide the most reliable data possible to help in understanding and improving the software or process.

“Software should be predictable and consistent, presenting no surprises to the users.”

-Glenford J. Myers in The Art of Software Testing

Please look around the site and let us know what you think. We will be happy to answer any questions you have or to read your comments. We encourage people to respond to our posts, or you can always contact us through our Team page any time.

Thank you for visiting!

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