Month: February 2021

Introducing QA Part 1: What is QA?

What is QA?

A person writing Quality Assurance on a mirror with the words system, product, and service around it.

“The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of meeting the schedule has been forgotten.”  -Anonymous

Hello! My name is Mick Stevens and I am the Quality Assurance (QA) person in the Project Management Office (PMO). The PMO is currently focusing on ways to provide more value to projects within ITS. We have a lot to offer to both new and existing projects so we are conducting a series of short presentations to introduce ourselves to small groups within ITS. These presentations intend to show how we can offer value and support in the areas of:

  • Project Management (PM)
  • Business Analysis (BA)
  • Quality Assurance (QA)
  • and Training.

I was very excited to kick off our first of many presentations by talking about QA. I was excited because there are so many differing views on what QA, Quality, and Testing is… how it should be done, and what it should (or should not) do. This could be an opportunity to provide some clarity for these topics as they relate to the projects at UConn. Or so I thought. Continue reading