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CHIP Lecture: Sexual Violence 1/28/16


  • CHIP Lecture Series, Spring 2016

    “Sexual Violence: A Major Public Health Problem”

    Christine Gidycz, PhD, Ohio University

    12:30 – 1:30pm


    UConn Center for Public Health and Health Policy

    UConn College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

    UConn Department of Anthropology

    UConn Department of Communication

    UConn Department of Human Development and Family Studies

    UConn Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and the Center for the Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace

    UConn Marketing Department, UConn School of Business

    UConn Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity

    UConn School of Business

    UConn School of Medicine, UConn Health           


    Video Conference Room 204, 2nd floor
    J. Ray Ryan Building, 2006 Hillside Road
    University of Connecticut, Storrs Campus
    For directions and maps, see

    Accessibility: elevator available in building lobby on ground floor.

    Web Stream

    You can view this talk streamed live during the lecture – or archived after the lecture – here.

    About the Speaker
    Christine A. Gidycz, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology at Ohio University is the director of the Laboratory for the Study and Prevention of Sexual Assault. She has conducted investigations pertaining to sexual assault correlates and risk factors, and factors that contribute to the sexual revictimization of women. She has also studied the co-occurrence of various forms of violence with both men and women. Dr. Gidycz is also interested in rape resistance strategies in women and developed the Ohio University Sexual Assault Risk Reduction Program which is designed to decrease women’s risk for sexual victimization. Additional interests include bystander behavior as it relates to sexual assault and the evaluation of social norms and bystander interventions to prevent sexual perpetration.  She has published numerous articles and book chapters addressing sexual assault issues and has served on a number of state and national committees to address issues related to sexual assault.

    More information available at:


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    CHIP Lecture Series at


    For more information, contact: CHIP Lecture Series at

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