Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. This may include, but is not limited to, unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, inappropriate touching, acts of sexual violence, or other unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, whether verbal, nonverbal, graphic, physical, written or otherwise. Such conduct is a violation of UConn’s Policy when the conditions for Hostile Environment Harassment or Quid Pro Quo Harassment are present.
Examples of sexual harassment may include, but are not limited to:
- Unwelcome sexual advances, particularly when repeated
- Requests for sexual favors in exchange for hiring, promotion, raises, good grades, or any other workplace or academic benefit
- Sexual violence of any kind, including sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and stalking.
- Touching, hugging, kissing, fondling others, or touching oneself sexually for others to view
- Suggestive comments
- Viewing or displaying in sight of others sexually explicit or pornographic material at the workplace or within the academic environment (where not connected to any academic or work-related purpose)
- Sexual violence of any kind, including sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and stalking.
A violation of The Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Related Interpersonal Violence may be found when the conditions for Hostile Environment Harassment or Quid Pro Quo Harassment are present.:
Hostile Environment Harassment: Discriminatory Harassment that is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it unreasonably interferes with, limits, deprives, or alters the conditions of education (e.g., admission, academic standing, grades, assignment); employment (e.g., hiring, advancement, assignment); or participation in a University program or activity (e.g., campus housing, official University list-servs or other University-sponsored platforms), when viewed from both a subjective and objective perspective.
Quid Pro Quo Harassment: Discriminatory Harassment where submission to or rejection of unwelcome conduct is used, explicitly or implicitly, as the basis for decisions affecting an individual’s education (e.g., admission, academic standing, grades, assignment); employment (e.g., hiring, advancement, assignment); or participation in a University program or activity (e.g., campus housing).