Thank you for visiting the University’s Title IX website.

Due to University guidance relating to addressing COVID-19, Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) staff are working remotely; however, OIE remains available. Please contact us using our Reporting Form or by email at and someone will respond to you promptly.

Find out about Sexual Harassment.
You Can.

Sexual Harassment FAQs

Commonly Asked

Q. Can I report (sexual harassment) anonymously? +

A: Yes. The University’s Reportline is available 24/7 and serves as an anonymous resource to report or seek guidance. It is supported by a third party vendor and staffed by professionals. It is available to anyone, including UConn employees, with discrete intake and anonymous reporting options. You do not have to reveal your identity when you call the Reportline. If you wish to report a concern to the Reportline, call 1-888-685-2637.

You can choose how much or how little information to share with the University, including but not limited to your identity, however it may impact the University’s ability to provide you with resources and/or conduct an investigation. If you wish to contact OIE you may do so by phone (860-486-2943 or 860-679-3563 for UConn Health), email ( or by submitting an online referral here. Please bear in mind that the online referral form requires a name entry and if using your University email address your identity could be inferred. Should you choose to call OIE, the person answering the phone will likely ask for your name, but you can choose how much information to share, including but not limited to your identity.

Q. If I don’t yet know whether or not I want to report, are there confidential resources I can access to help me decide? +

A: Yes. A complete list of resources, including confidential resources and contact information can be found here.

Q. What constitutes retaliation? +

A: Retaliation may include: threatening, intimidating, harassing, coercing, or interfering with potential witnesses or a potential proceeding. Retaliation can be work and/or social in nature and may also include unsubstantiated adverse performance evaluations, unfounded negative references, arbitrary denial or salary increases or promotions, unfounded reduced work assignments, bullying, hostile work environment, and physical threats.

Q. What interim measures are available to protect me against retaliation if I make a report? +

A: Interim measures could include but are not limited to no contact orders between the individuals involved, changing class or work schedules, restricting building access and/or reassigning advisors, mentees and supervisors.

Q. What happens if there are no witnesses to a claim of sexual harassment? +

A: Reports can still be made and investigated by OIE and/or Community Standards even if there were no witnesses.

Q. Can sexual harassment be perpetrated by someone of the same gender? +

A: Yes, Sexual Harassment can occur between individuals of the same or different gender identities.

Q. I am being sexually harassed by someone who is not a UConn employee or student, but who comes to campus to conduct business. Is there anything I can do? +

A: The University’s Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Related Interpersonal Violence prohibits sexual harassment by vendors, contractors, and third parties in the University’s employment, living, and learning environments. If you wish to report the sexual harassment to the University, please contact the Office of Institutional Equity. If you are seeking confidential support, click here for that list of resources.

Q. What if I am sexually harassed by a co-worker or a student but we are off-campus when the harassment occurs? +

A: It is possible for off-campus conduct between University colleagues and/or students to contribute to a hostile working or academic environment, or to constitute quid pro quo sexual harassment in violation of the University’s policies. If you wish to report the sexual harassment to the University, please contact the Office of Institutional Equity. If you are seeking confidential support, click here for that list of resources.

Q. What is the difference between making a report and making a complaint? +

A: Anyone can report information implicating the Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Related Interpersonal Violence to the Office of Institutional Equity. It is your choice whether to proceed as a complainant in OIE’s process. If you wish to proceed as a complainant, you are encouraged to complete OIE’s Complaint Form. If OIE proceeds with an investigation, a respondent would be notified of a complainant’s identity. A complainant receives a written summary of the information they shared with OIE as well as a copy of OIE’s investigative report, if any, whereas an individual who reports information but does not wish to proceed as a complainant does not.

Non-Supervisory Employee

Q. If I am not a Supervisor, do I have to report to OIE if my colleague discloses sexual harassment? +

A: If you are not in a supervisory role, you do not have to share disclosures made to you by colleagues. That said, we encourage you to provide your colleague with a list of resources (LINK) and information about reporting (LINK).


Q. As a Supervisor, what are my reporting responsibilities related to sexual harassment? +

A: Deans, Directors, Department Heads, and Supervisors have a responsibility to report any sexual harassment they learn about where either the complainant or respondent are employees.

Q. What can I do to prevent sexual harassment in my unit/department? +

A: The most important thing you can do as a manager is to model respectful, appropriate behavior. Inform employees of University conduct expectations, including the Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Related Interpersonal Violence and Code of Conduct. Both outline clear expectations for behavior and possible discipline for violating those standards. Apply policies consistently and act immediately when problems are reported.

You can foster an environment that gives employees the tools they need to be responsible bystanders by arming them with information about conduct expectations, reporting and resources. This is not a one-and-done topic; you should regularly address workplace conduct expectations with your team. If you are interested in requesting an educational training through OIE, please submit the OIE Educational Training Program Request form.

Q. What resources are available for supervisors? +
Q: What resources are available for supervisors?
A: Supervisors can utilize resources available through the Office of Labor Relations, the Ombuds Office, and the Employment Assistance Program (EAP).

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