Thank you for visiting the University’s Title IX website.

Due to University guidance relating to addressing COVID-19, Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) staff are working remotely; however, OIE remains available. Please contact us using our Reporting Form or by email at and someone will respond to you promptly.

Support Your Students.
You can.

As a UConn Faculty or Staff Member

In no event should the victim be told that your conversation will be confidential.

As a UConn employee, you have an obligation under the Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Interpersonal Violence to advise the Office of Institutional Equity if you witness or receive a report of a sexual assault, intimate partner violence or stalking. Please familiarize yourself with the Policy regarding this duty and to determine if you fall within the narrow exceptions to this policy (such as medical doctors, nurses and licensed health care clinicians). The FAQ will provide further explanation of this policy.

The Responding to Student Disclosures document outlines the process and provides resources for assisting students and fulfilling the University’s reporting requirements for employees.

To learn more about employee reporting obligations, how to make a report and what happens after a report is made we invite you to watch this brief Discrimination, Harassment and Related Interpersonal Violence: Reporting Obligations & Next Steps Compliance Clip.

As a faculty or staff member who sees your students regularly, you are in a unique position to detect behavioral changes, increased stress levels or academic deterioration that can signal a serious problem. Students value faculty and staff opinions. You are not expected to take on the role of counselor, but don’t underestimate your ability to share helpful information with your students about the resources available at UConn, especially if a student approaches you for help.

For additional information, please review the What to do When a Student Reports Sexual Violence, Relationship Violence and/or Stalking for each campus:

Indicators +

These indicators can help identify a distressed student, including victims of sexual assault, relationship violence or stalking:

Academic Indicators

  • Deterioration in quality of work and classroom performance.
  • Drop in grades.
  • Repeated requests for extensions.
  • Missed assignments.
  • Repeated absences.
  • Disorganized or erratic performances.
  • Creative work or writing with themes of extreme hopelessness, isolation, rage, fear or despair.

Communication Indicators

  • Direct statements about distress because of problems with family, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend.
  • Unprovoked anger or hostility.
  • Exaggerated or uncharacteristic personality traits – suddenly withdrawn or more animated than usual.
  • Excessive dependency.
  • Tearfulness.
  • Expressing hopelessness, fear, worthlessness.
  • Classmates expressing concern about student.

Physical Indicators

  • Deterioration in physical appearance.
  • Lack of personal hygiene.
  • Excessive fatigue.
  • Visible weight changes.

Safety Risk Indicators

  • Any written or verbal statement with a suicidal tone or sense of finality.
  • Writing that focuses on despair, suicide, violent behavior or death.
  • Statements about “going away for a long time.”
  • Giving away valuable possessions.
  • Self-injury or self-destructive behavior, including abusing drugs or alcohol.
How to Take Action +

Only if you feel comfortable, you may approach your student directly and express your concerns. Be prepared to listen carefully and refer them to the resources available at UConn. Remember that you are not a counselor and can only provide referrals and encouragement. UConn offers resources  for employees who are concerned about their student’s safety and well-being.

Student Health and Wellness
Medical Care (Confidential)
860-486-4700 (24 Hours)
Student Health and Wellness
Mental Health (Confidential)
860-486-4705 (24 Hours)
UConn Police
860-486-4800 (24 Hours)
Office of Institutional Equity
Office of Community Standards